Yesterday saw Auckland reveling in party-like atmosphere as the rugby World Cup Commenced on our doorstep. The planets aligned as it was a perfect sunny day, Aucklanders were mostly let off work early and were in a good mood. Then came the amazing opening
ceremony that involved music and light shows choreographed from all parts of the city centre and waterfront. Three tonnes of
fireworks from across the wharves and barges on the harbour. Topping off, the All Blacks won their first game against Tonga. As one writer in the Herald put it, "Auckland is going off like yogurt in the sun".

Back to business. Both the games under development are making significant progress. We
will be putting out a newsletter once every couple of months to let
everyone know what we're up to with the company. The first one can be
here. Currently we are utilising various friends dotted around the country who've never seen the prototypes to do blind testing for us.
A sneek preview of one of our playing pieces
In the name of research I have been buying up games on TradeMe and looking forward to playing some of them this weekend : Jambo, Pandemic, Wasabi, and 'Break the Safe'.
A sniff of summer in the air this week as temperatures approached the magical (get the socks and woolies off) 20C moment.