I've been feeling increasingly bad over the last few days about the lack of blogging on my part. A bit like having a sick relative and putting off going to visit them - the guilt has got to me - as if there was anybody out there actually reading these posts. Ha!
October was a busier than usual month so I'll do a quick summary, catchy-uppy kind of post.
We were honoured by the presence of several visitors. Tamsin stopped over on her way from north to south , and I managed to exploit the opportunity to crack open the enhancements to my Alhambra game and give them a good workout. Dee and Bruce came for a night and took us for a delicious meal at Soul. They were on their way from Australia to Rotorua for Dee's mums 80th. Then 'Naki' Richard came for a visit and cheekily parked in the next-door neighbours where he used to live. We have more visitors lined up for this month and February. Great. I love having visitors.
It was Johns birthday and an excuse for a getaway so I rented a beach house just up the coast from Whitianga and we all 6 of us (Jaz, Mark, Paul & Kylie) packed up our cars and spent 3 days chilling out with each other which was lovely and relaxing. So lovely that I completely forgot to get my camera out - hence the lacks of pics but I can direct you to crafty Kylie's blog for a few images. On the Saturday night we had a beautiful meal at SALT on the waterfront, and were lucky to score a free bottle of bubbly due to a mix up with the booking. Although great food, I think it's the first (and last time) I will knowingly eat scallops served with chicken liver puree.
Since then we've been pretty quiet, continuing with the post-roof house renovations. We are up to door replacement - several had rotted frames and are now looking splendid again. We've been to see 'An Education' - which I enjoyed as it really evoked life in 1960's London. And 'Capitalism a Love Affair' - which is Mike Moore doing what he always does but with a different slant on it.
I've planted some tomatoes: 3 varieties plus mint and dill in preparation for yummy salads, and been trying to remember to do daily exercises with a broomstick and an imaginary spider to help counteract my frozen shoulder (I know not how I managed to freeze it but its quite painful).
Interesting dream the other day: Leonard Cohen was visiting as a Professor from Finland, but he died in my bathtub and I woke up worried what to do with him!
6 days ago
Welcome back!
I too feel like coming back... Thought about it for a while. Maybe now that I am a retired farmer I will do something about it.- And the days are getting shorter.
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