Last night we braved the storm warnings to drive an hour north of Auckland to the Leigh Sawmill to see Hollie Smith perform. It's a cafe/venue in a rural area near the coast and in a converted sawmill. The food is good there too.
Crikey, that girl can sing. Shame though she chose to rant about her misfortunes in the recording world, and how she's been ripped off and lost her recent album.
She also had a lot of trouble with coughing in between songs. It must be hard on the vocals to roar and shout like she does. See clip below.
A parcel arrived with some goodies I bought on Amazon UK. Low prices now with the pound. We got the 2nd series of Green Wing, Californication, series 1 and the Talking Heads movie 'True Stories' that I used to have on vhs. All for about $60 NZ
A lazy Sunday morning lie in then I chatted to my brother Nigel on the phone. He's coming to Melbourne next month so I'll be seeing him there. After a late but quick breakfast we decided exercise was needed.
On the way to Cornwall Park we looked up at Mt Hobson and commented that we'd never been up there for a walk. A quick diversion saw us climbing over a wobbly stile and wading through knee high grass and avoiding freshly minted cow pats to get to the top of a hill that stands so close to town. Great views from up there. On the way back down we passed a mysterious gate that JK thinks conceals an underground water storage facility.
6 days ago
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