I've been reading Samuel Pepys diary which is fascinating look into life in London in 1660
Hence today I am blogging in the style of Pepys...
This morning the heat did cause us to sit idly, fanning ourselves cool. Ms Scott did accompany us in the garden where we supped and dined and had much discourse about musicians new and old and compared mp3 players. We had several visitations from the two Dylans, who are young sons of neighbours. Their heads a-popping above the wooden rail did cause us distraction and annoyance such that we wielded the garden hose on the said boys to dampen their spirits and improve our humour.
After lunch Ms Scott did take leave of us to go by water to Waiheke to meet Lady Lisa. I did henceforth go with Mr K by road into town to amble by the waterfront. There we found many townsfolk and visitors amassed to see the celebrations. On the dockside we did witness a racing yacht taken from the water with a hoist on a large frame. A sight to behold indeed. After a while, with legs weary, we dined at an alehouse called ‘Soul’ upon fine game and puy lentils and a veritable Shiraz from the commonwealth, and were very merry with it.
A surprise visit from Kim, to whom we administered caffeine until her son cried out for her to depart for their fishing trip forthwith. Then we set forth after breakfast, which was relaxed fare, to the northern shopping area at Albany in search of some well crafted footwear to help relieve Mr K’s Achilles tendon that troubles him so. Perchance, we did come upon some suitable attire, for himself, and I also took the opportunity to purchase new sandals.
The afternoon we did both relax and read a lot. At sunset we did dine upon roast chicken and vegetables served with couscous dressed with dates, nuts and pungent herbs. The meal superbly accompanied by a Gamekeepers Reserve Shiraz Grenache by St Hallet’s. At night, still warm, and music did emanate from our windows.
Monday (Auckland Anniversary Day)
Up but not early, as the stomach did require some remedy to appease the pain. After a light breakfast of fruit ‘smoothie’ (concocted in a fangled contraption called a blender) the pair of us did brave the heat and went by road, to the coast at Devonport to walk the North Head. Again many persons about, and much swimming and jollity was being had on this public holiday. The weather is again fine and fair. At home, we did lunch on some tasty kippers from Scotland (the barrel of oysters being waylaid) after which we administered the worm tablets to the little cats, along with the monthly flea remedy as advised by their physician.
Then Mr K felt a need to do some manly tasks, and did wash down both our carriages. I admit they did indeed look in need of a clean due to the layer of city grime. I was not troubled by need to be active and reclined with a book and sent some friendly messages by SMS (the pigeon being waylaid with the oysters).
In the evening we shall venture again into town, by road to a show at the cinema where we will see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Ms Scott who has returned from Waiheke Island by ferry service this afternoon.
Thus ends this long weekend, my family and I in good health. God bless.
(Normal service will be resumed).