I added a list of my favourite bands/artists. Believe it or not, although I have >10,000 tracks on my iPod, only about 2,000 are Dylan (the bootlegs jack the total up for him). The only other artist I've downloaded boots of is Neil Young, and only two of those. I still like to listen to the great British prog rock bands such as Genesis, Yes, Floyd and Led Zeppelin and in recent years I've been going to WOMAD and blues festivals here in NZ and discovered some great music as a result. Here's a picture of South African singer-songwriter and poet-activist Vusi Mahlasela taken at Womad 2005 in Taranaki....he got the crowds dancing in the sunshine.
He is known in Africa simply as "The Voice" Here's a video of him singing at Live8 2005 in Johannesburg. And another illustrating his vocal range and guitar playing.
Almost midnight - too much web browsing and blogging (both mine and other people's) has made me sleepy. I'm off to bed to read another chapter of Barack Obama's biography.
Tuesday means no work tomorrow - hurrah!
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