On Saturday we caught up with Jaz & Mark back from their Vanuatu honeymoon. Then our card playing neighbours Kim & Shayne came over for dinner, which had to be rescued from the floor after the oven tray complete with beautifully cooked salmon slipped from my hands. They were both very brave, saying "It's OK, we don't mind eating off the floor!" But we didn't have to let them sink to that. There was enough un-floored salmon to go round with the prawns, potatoes & salad. The rest was fed to cats. We tried a variation of Canasta called Samba which was quite different, involving three packs and a lot more melding along with a bit of meddling with the rules.
Despite a hangover, John had to deal with a server crisis at the data centre this morning to rebuild a machine so I took the opportunity to do some Xmas shopping on my own.
Tonight we went to Blitza to scoff pizza then into town to watch Billy Joel. I'm not all that keen on his music (to me he's ranked along with Rod Stewart) but both John & Paul are fans from way back. I blame it on those years they lived in an out-post of the USA called Nassau where culture was in short supply. However, I enjoyed the concert, especially the Young-esque song "Christmas in Fallujah" - that would be at home on Neils "Living With War" album. He also did a very bluesy "New York State of Mind" and crackedsome half decent jokes while sitting at his piano which rotated a few times to give both sides of the venue a look at his well-worn face. I was surprised the audience was less grey and cardiganed than I was expecting.
This is the song I liked performed by someone I've never heard of...
Below - Basil and Micky up to mischief....

The ginger Marty Feldman one is making me laugh. P x
They are great fun! And Basil has the look of a mad professor due to the white tufts in his ears.
And how will you protect your Christmas tree from these two hooligans? Keep the room cold and you will have nice icicles hanging down it! Nice decorations though.-
Remember the canelloni that landed on my newly re-covered chair in Northolt?
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