Friday, October 31, 2008
Chillin in Hoi An
We gave the tour guide the afternoon off so we could swim and lie by the pool ordering food and drinks to our hearts content. I rediscovered the joys of a Green Dragon (Syrop de Menthe with 7Up) while listening to Bob's TTRH shows about travelling round the world on my 'pod. After several days on mini buses and walking through hot temples and museums this is a much needed break.
Our drive yesterday took us over a mountain range close to the 17th parallel and the Ho Chi Minh Trail. We stopped for lunch at China beach where John gave a 10,000 dong note (about $1.2o NZ) to a beggar and soon found he had twenty ladies following him yelling "how 'bout me, how 'bout me, me have12 babies."
No way to upload photos - but taking plenty - will post some when home.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hanging in Hanoi
We've been here since Friday morning - with a day and night up at Halong Bay over the weekend. The junk we stayed on was quite luxurious. Amazing cave networks in the hills. Just 7 of us in our group - all Kiwis. One lady from Birkdale! We kayaked from the boat to a lovely beach, swam in perfectly warm water then back to the boat for a ten course meal. Every kind of seafood known to man served as a separate course. Seafood soup, prawns, crab, clams, whole fish and on it went - and that was just for lunch!
Ho Chi Minh is away having his 5 year renovation so we went to his museum instead of the mausoluem. Best sign so far - "Visitors are asked not to wear their shorts inside the pagoda".
Traffic is incredible; there is no safe way to cross the road here. You just have to look ahead and hope all the mopeds and bikes will flow around you, which they seem to do. It helps being larger westerners as we are clearer obstacles than some of the small locals.
We go to see a water puppet show this p.m. then catch a flight to Hue for a couple of days then onto Hoi An for 3 days. John is enjoying his birthday tour. He's only had one 5am phone call.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Going, Going, Gone to Saigon
I cast my advance vote for the NZ election this morning. The poll station had just opened and they seemed a bit unsure of the process, but the deed is done even though we both know that John's & my vote effectively cancel each other out.
The suitcase has been dusted off and packing has commenced. I may manage a blog post or two from Vietnam....

Monday, October 20, 2008
The politics of sin may require sunglasses ...
Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes.
The glamour and the bright lights and the politics of sin..."
- Bob Dylan "Dead Man, Dead Man"
Not one of my favourite songs but the words go well with these annotated election hoardings I spotted on the weekend.
This early song is jam-packed full of funny images.
He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note.
He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple,
Tellin' me he loves all kinds-a people.
(He's eatin' bagels
He's eatin' pizza
He's eatin' chitlins
He's eatin' bullshit!)"
- 'I Shall Be Free', from the Freewheelin' album
There's also a line in this about making love to Elizabeth Taylor - just bear in mind it was written in 1962!
Instant birthday party... just add water
All the guests gathered at a neighbours and at 7.30 came en masse to ours. I made sure he opened the door at which point about 20 people sprung upon him waving balloons and popping poppers and pressing gifts on him. It was great to see his face. The shock tactic must have worked because he even enjoyed the silly party games we'd organised - Pass the Parcel, Squeak Piggy Squeak and so on. Great fun was had by all - into the early hours of Sunday.
Some of the younger revellers (the birthday boy refuses to appear)...

Friday, October 17, 2008
Waxed, pampered and Berkoff'd
Well, my first short story has been submitted to the class of 15 students and tutor. Next week it will be discussed in the class. It will be interesting to get objective feedback; so far it has only been read by a handful of close friends.
This morning I went to the gym and then onto the spa to use up my voucher on some serious pre-holiday pampering that consisted of shaping, tinting, waxing and polishing -sounds like a car groom, but for my eyebrows, legs and toes!
Tonight after scoffing a juicy steak, baked potato and salad we went to the theatre to see Steven Berkoff.
You need a good feed to see Berkoff , I found - it can be quite draining.
He is in Auckland for 2 days performing his self-penned "Tell Tale Heart" and "Dog". His plays are full of energy, aggression (and quite a bit of swearing) and black humour - great stuff. I've seen 'East', 'Greek', 'West', 'Decadence', 'Kvetch', and his version of 'Metamorphosis'. Most were by the Auckland Theatre Company. All good, and tonight was the first time seeing the man himself.
The first character was a Dickensian madman who stepped us through in minute macabre detail how he had killed and dismembered his neighbour - an old man with one vulture eye. Black and hilarious.
The second was an East-end skinhead with a slobbery vicious dog - the audience was asked to pat the imaginary beast - which morphed in and out of the skinhead character so smoothly that you could not tell them apart except the dog spoke with its tongue flicking in and out. Half the audience looked stunned as some of the acts depicted with the dog were quite gross.
Brilliant!Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Bird on the horizon, sittin' on a fence,
He's singin' his song for me at his own expense.
And I'm just like that bird, oh, oh,
Singin' just for you.
I hope that you can hear,
Hear me singin' through these tears."
'You're A Big Girl Now'
1975, from the "New York Sessions" not the official Blood On The Tracks version...
"I got a bird that whistles,
I got a bird that sings.
But I ain' a-got Corrina,
Life don't mean a thing. "
"Corrina, Corrina" 1963 The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Monday, October 13, 2008
Second time around...
Most importantly I managed to say "chihuahua" - thereby saving face by meeting the Monkey's challenge. Now I feel all-powerful. Bring on some more weird challenges one and all!
Oh - and the discussion about "thinking causes people to eat more" was inconclusive and mostly off-topic. I think someone proposed that 'thinking about what to eat next' was the worst type of brain activity in this respect.

Mmmm - I think I'll have another banana...
Noodle has been sneezing the last few days so we took her for a long overdue check up at the local vet. She sang and yowled in the car and then played all nice & cute for the vet. She didn't even complain when the thermometer went up her bum or the large tablet went down her throat. She's been declared fit & healthy and 'verging on obese'. Wait til they see Zappa!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Debt, Hell, Pizza and other nasties

Margaret Atwood is one of my favourite writers. If you haven't read Oryx and Crake I strongly recommend it. Here she writes in the Wall Street Journal about debt in society and in literature. An interesting view. Also, an interview with Margaret in the Times.
It really is a dog-eat-dog world. Dogs seem to be highlighted for me this past week. First there was the incident last weekend with the 2 rogue canines running amok and scaring the daylights out of our two cats, then there was Friday's 'chihuahua incident'. Now I hear that Mari's little one Filou has been savaged by a large dog and is in doggy-hospital with damaged paws... poor wee thing. If only all big dog owners were responsible, like my big Sis Val and her four Groenendahls... (also known as Belgian Shepherds). To say she is crazy about them would be an under statement. This one is called Anoushka.
And wee Filou in 'recovery' atire ....
Friday, October 10, 2008
Radio (non) appearance

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Steaming with creativity
Today I went to the gym where particularly friendly staff enquired "what sort of work out I'd like today". I said "medium-tough" and managed to push heavier weights on most machines except the tummy cruncher which had me stumped after 5 and had to have the weight lowered from the 70kg I'd managed last week. Maybe I've been extra slothful with my tummy lately!
After a swim I sat in the steam room for quite a time. I must have built up my tolerance to the heat and I was drifting off in the haze and hiss when I had an interesting idea for a short story to submit for my writing class. It revolves around a woman sitting in a steam room talking to a man who is not there - well he is and he isn't - he's a ghost. Anyway, it was such a vivid idea I rushed to get showered, hair dried and went straight to the front desk to ask for a sheet of paper and then to the cafe for a latte and scribbled the ideas down. As soon as I came home I wrote the story - 4 pages in 3 hours and now feel quite pleased with myself. It's a start anyway. I shall look forward to my next steam room visit.
We are under a 'severe storm warning' threat for the afternoon/evening and it has just started to belt down outside. Both cats lying around looking lazy but peeved.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How Dylan chose his career...

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dogs and floating disco balls
I also caught up with some paperwork and my 6 monthly GST return, and helped John envelope all his invoices.
Woke this morning to barking and in the interest of our cats took a look outside. Two large aggressive dogs - not sure of the breed but could have been pit bull - were galloping around in the front and then tore off in to the bush. Zappa didn't show up until a few hours later and Noodle hid herself somewhere under the house until about 4pm - when she slunk in, belly on the ground, head twitching left & right, well spooked. I hate it when people don't keep their dogs under control. I think these 2 were with a guy in a truck who was delivering a load of soil to a house up the road.
Today we got stuck in and fixed a few things around the house, including a leak on the spa pool pump, and then J started painting the side of the house we hadn't got to last year. While at the spa pool shop I couldn't resist a floating disco light ball - to add a touch of glamour to our dark pool. It is battery driven, floats and sends various patterns of coloured light into the water. Tacky but fun.
Listened to Tell Tale Signs about 10 times over from the free NPR stream - I plugged my laptop audio output to the HiFi system and sound quality is great. It sounds very bluesy so John's not complaining about the Bob overload (so far).

Pics from recent walks - Cheltenham beach (yesterday) and Cornwall Park (last week)

Friday, October 3, 2008
Plainly painful Palin

After watching a few Palin interviews I am gob-smacked at how much she is in denial about. Seriously! Who would want this person to be in charge?
This blogger is capturing with brutal honesty the embarrassing moments that will hopefully lead to the end of Sarah Palin's bid for the White House.
I hate to say this but she's evidence why there should be a glass ceiling!!
Am waiting to see if some clips of the Thurs night debate appear - hoping she really f***s it up.
There must be scope for a joke about a Palindrome but I haven't thought of the punch line yet. Maybe - "If you want to go backwards as well as forwards...Vote McCain Palin-drome"
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tell Tale Signs - live stream
I managed to go to my class tonight without losing my keys!
Weds evening update.
What I've heard so far sounds Amazing. Can't wait for my CD to arrive.
Talkin Gibberish Blues has a detailed thought-blog on the tracks. He points out that Huck's Tune - a "seemingly beautiful song throws a couple of absurdist lyrics in it to show he's not getting soft." ... "all the merry little elves can go hang themselves" - great!!