Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Going, Going, Gone to Saigon

Last night I got feedback from the class on my 2 short stories. They were both quite well received, one person thought the language was 'sublime'! Useful hints too on how to improve things.

I cast my advance vote for the NZ election this morning. The poll station had just opened and they seemed a bit unsure of the process, but the deed is done even though we both know that John's & my vote effectively cancel each other out.

The suitcase has been dusted off and packing has commenced. I may manage a blog post or two from Vietnam....


mariSh said...

During my last stay in Hanoi I wanted to buy a sewing box inlaid with mother-of-pearl and I didn't! For years now am regretting it...

I liked the "Tossed" very much - the rhythm of the tale was excellent! The other lagged a bit - must be the steam...

Nik said...

Lucky lucky!