It has been a frustrating few days with a series of problems to sort out, not least plumbing leaks at two of the rentals. At one house the overflow on the hot water tank has gone into overdrive and is dispensing hot water at an alarming rate and thereby upsetting the tenant who is worried about the power bill. Fair enough. However, after 6 visits to attend to it, (so far unsuccessfully) the plumber has not yet managed to fix the problem. When (or if) he does, am I obliged to pay for 6 call out fees, or should he have fixed it properly on day 1? It is the same company that installed the hot water tank there last October.
As for Mari's comment about 'peloton', I must have had a sheltered upbringing because whilst watching the gymnastics tonight I learnt another new word - 'Kachev'. Some of those manoeuvres look positively inhuman.
4 days ago
Kachev - obviously comes from Russian language - it's a guy that stands under the high bar and catches the unfortunate gymnast that drops off...
The term caught on worldwide because the Russian made it a well paid job!
The Chinese athletes are genetically modified! Hence the inhuman appearance...
I found out Kachev is where the gymnast straddles above the high bar and releases their grip for the legs to pass through. It is after a Russian who first did this move.
Don't know the name for the guy that stands underneath - possibly Eric?
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