Saturday contravened the audacious weather forecast by being grey and drizzly. Apart from shopping the day passed without event. In the evening friends Kim & Shane came over for dinner for which we had mozzarella and parma ham salad followed by eye fillet in blue cheese sauce with baked potatoes and green salad. It was all washed down with a couple of bottles of Peter Lehrman Shiraz. After a first round of canasta we hoovered up a Rocket chocolate whisky cake, coconut ice cream and strawberries. It's amazing we had room for any scorched almonds but we managed most of those too while poring over the cards. By 1am we said goodbye to the guests and rolled into bed with very rotund bellies.
Today saw sunshine that was due yesterday, so we grabbed our cameras (including the D60x John acquired yesterday) and headed to the zoo to show ourselves to the inmates there.
Most of the animals seemed pretty laid back and most were dozing in the sun, or rolling on their backs, as relieved as we were to see the end (we hope) to the interminable rain.
Here are a few of the species that watched us being human...

...just put the glasses on a brown one and you won't be able to tell them apart!
I'll pass straight over that comment.
Did you notice how the meerkat was smiling at me...
Yes! He was thinking -"why does she thinks that we look alike...?"
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