I am entranced by the beautiful photos of Auckland appearing every day here . Today I discovered there are many more cities being photo blogged daily, including Hanoi - which cheered me up even more to get a glimpse of Vietnam.
The weather is still pretty rough here. As I drove up to Albany this lunchtime I passed one of the green Motorway overhead route signs lying bent and buckled in the middle lane of the motorway. Traffic was carefully weaving its way around it.
Our storms made front page news on Guardian UnLimited today - with this video clip showing a lucky near miss as a tree fell on a departing car bumper in Nelson (which for those who are hemispherically challenged is a town at the very top of the South Island).
Pete's blog post about the Brighton Pride parade on this weekend reminded me of the fun we had watching the 2006 parade while visiting my ex LUL colleague Andrew. Here's a couple of the many photos I took of that day.

And a photo of Bob for no reason at all. Except maybe to show that some people just get sexier the older they get :-)
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