The tablets we know as "Anthony's little red pills".

Photo: Professor Simon Thom
The polypill combines aspirin, a statin to lower cholesterol and an ACE inhibitor and a thiazide to counter high blood pressure in one tablet. If this is shown to work it could save millions of lives particularly in developing countries - and without making megabucks for big Pharma!
Lets face it, if the choice was taking individual swigs of vodka, bacardi, tequila and grenadine or having them ready mixed and shaken, I know which I'd prefer!!
Note! Do not contact me for medical information or advice, I only look after the database & website side of these research projects. Besides, I am liable to tell you blatant lies or propaganda.
Note! Yes I do listen to Dylan while working.
No other excitement today. It would have been daylight until 7pm but for the dark rain clouds that dulled the sky before that.
1 comment:
OK... now it's the little pink pill (not to confuse with the blue one!)
I'd like to try it! Tell me if it works for you.-
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