Recently I have been acquiring books at a faster rate than I can devour them. This is the pile by my bedside.....
and is about a year's worth at my current reading rate. I think I need a lengthy contagious illness to give me an excuse for some catching up. Then again summer is approaching and I do have a little-used garden hammock waiting patiently for an occupant.
We spent most of Sunday researching the costs of boating in Greece and spreadsheeting a budget for a year there. Boat management is Johns' area of expertise as he's lived on one before. For example, the fuel needed to go from A to B requires you to factor in distance, engine size, speed of travel and possibly some other factors such as waviness of the water. As you can tell this is not my specialty. Apparently you need to keep the fuel tanks fairly full as otherwise they rust. So I think it maybe best to stay parked in a marina.
Our 2 moggies kipping in a nicely synchronised position on the sofa...

I was very good yesterday. Despite accompanying John to Borders to spend his Fathers Day voucher from Paul I managed to leave the store virtuously empty handed.
We spent most of Sunday researching the costs of boating in Greece and spreadsheeting a budget for a year there. Boat management is Johns' area of expertise as he's lived on one before. For example, the fuel needed to go from A to B requires you to factor in distance, engine size, speed of travel and possibly some other factors such as waviness of the water. As you can tell this is not my specialty. Apparently you need to keep the fuel tanks fairly full as otherwise they rust. So I think it maybe best to stay parked in a marina.
Our 2 moggies kipping in a nicely synchronised position on the sofa...

You could break a leg... or have it operated on. When I will have MY operation I am going to barricade myself with books on my downstairs sofa!
Digging your book pile... We overlap big time. Love in the time of cholera is one of my all time favourites, Day is brill, I attended a retreat with Sogyal Rinpoche and have that book... Read the Obama a couple of years ago randomly picking it up in a US airport...
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