Thanks to a tip from Peter, see UnderAnotherSun, I've added a link to this fun 'Going Underground' blog. Peter was at the same school I went to (Copland High School, Wembley in the sunny Borough of Brent) in the year above me. He is a talented writer, poet and blogger and lives in Brighton.
I have a sentimental attachment to London's tube system. In a previous life I spent 8+ years commuting to St. James park tube where I was a Transport Planner at the offices above the station known as 55 Broadway, the London Underground HQ. It was very interesting work which I loved and wouldn't have left if the move to NZ hadn't put a little strain on my commute to work. One day early in my LUL career I had to travel down to Heathrow T4 station for an early start (around 4am) to make sure some contracted survey staff were up & running. The only way to get there was to flag down the staff train at Acton Town, which stopped for me to get into the drivers cab. Chatting to the driver on the way to T4 he kept insisting I take over the controls, which scared the hell out of me. Cool seeing the tunnels from the front though.
Anyhow, back to the GU blog: it appears that Tube buskers have reached a far higher standard than those I remember ...
I'm having a Dylan-free today today (a rare thing) - to and from the gym in the car I've been listening to Genesis: The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Found this on Youtube - no idea who the lead singer is - they must have co-opted someone, it is neither Peter Gabriel or Phll Collins but it is the best live footage I could find, and he does a pretty good job of it too. Best played loud!
6 days ago
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