Spent some time today sorting out details of our Vietnam trip. We thought all the flights were all ok but then we heard from Qantas that one of our outward flights - the critical leg from Sydney to Saigon - has been cancelled. We have been rescheduled on the only other option which goes via Sydney AND Darwin and gets us to Vietnam too late in the evening to make any onward connections to Hanoi. AaaarrrHHH! Because of this I had to change the Vietnam Air flight I had booked separately, pay surcharges for the change and organise a nights hotel in Saigon instead of 2 nights in Hanoi before the tour itself starts. Such a pain, as most of the arrangements were done at length with people in Hanoi not through a NZ travel agent. The Qantas 'helper' informed me if I had travel insurance it would cover any costs incurred. Eh! How many people book their insurance 5 months before travelling?
Apart from this, I recorded some old video camera tapes onto DVD to preserve them. In the process, I had a nostalgia trip and marvelled over how, in 1991 I looked incredibly thin and young, (I was 30) but was noticeably less confident and tended to shut up and shrink down. I'd like to have that body back but am happy with my current age in other respects.
I also found footage of BotBot as a wee kitten when she was a 'Combi-Cat'. We lived in a VW Combi van for a couple of months when we arrived in NZ, and she travelled the country with us.
A pop top combi like the one we had in 1992-93 and beloved BotBot doing what she loved to do.

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