Monday, December 29, 2008
A weather contrast
Today is humid, warm and raining. Perfect weather to spend the day painting an empty rental property. The agents are convinced the colours of the walls are putting people off renting it. Oh joy.
In contrast, Mari sent this shot from her phone to my email. She is skiing in Poland's Zakopane district.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hazy Lazy Days of Summer
Basil and Micky are providing entertainment on tap, there's no need to visit cinemas and so on, and we have a multitude of turkey, ham and chocolates in the fridge. Reclining on the window seat I finally finished reading Barack Obama's 'Dreams of my Father'.
Most of the day was spent monitoring the transfer of 60GB of music from my laptop to desktop PC. This was triggered by the sudden realisation that the laptop had hardly any disk space left. I was loading a CD and a "low disk space" warning appeared. I carefully backed everything up to an external drive then down loaded up to date iTunes and copied them all in. All went well.
Not everyone knows that The Great White Wonder was the first semi-commercial scale bootleg album, and that Dylan is probably the most bootlegged of all artists.
Here's Neil covering Bob's 'All Along the Watchtower'
and 'Helpless' from the Last Waltz
Friday, December 26, 2008
Young decoyed by Cisco
My best Christmas present came disguised in a large Cisco router box from John. I really thought I was being given some piece of internal gubbins to speed up my PC, but no, it was a decoy box containing tickets to see Neil Young. In Brisbane. Flights and hotel included. Woo Hoo. I'd been wanting to see him play here but he's only scheduled to do the 'Big Day Out' which is a notoriously hot, crowded and leery festival. This is a much better way to see Neil, in his own gig and on a mini-break.
Yesterday we just lazed around reading and went for a picnic near the beach. Today Jaz & Mark, Paul and his new girlfriend (Kylie) are coming for the whole turkey nine yards lunch. It has not yet made it to the oven so that's my next job.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Michaelmas and Basilicus
Sunday evening we saw 'In Bruges' which we'd missed during the Film Festival. Bone tickling black humour with a few pints of blood splattered. Not for the feint hearted.
Monday was a working day, but my last for the year.
Basil escaped, he must have leaped over the lower half (barn style) kitchen door to his freedom. Luckily I noticed his absence soon after and a search outside revealed the sound of his collar bell tinkling underneath the carport deck.
They are currently being called their 'official' names: Michaelmas and Basilicus. Hunting & gathering is in full practice mode as they take it in turns to race through the house proudly carrying some new 'find' in their teeth, usually a leaf or a piece of tinsel scavenged from the tree.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
2008 - Top Ten CDs
1. Bob Dylan - "The Bootleg Series Vol.8: Tell Tale Signs" (2008)
I succumbed and shelled out a pile of Kiwi dollars for the 3CD boxed set but it was worth it. Disc 1 has been on almost continuous play in my car since Ocotber. It's great driving music. The combination of Bob's grisly voice, ambiguous lyrics and bluesy sound make this my number 1 of the year. The alternate versions are welcome, especially 'Mississippi', 'Can't Wait' and 'Ring Them Bells' and the new tracks are delightful: 'Red River Shore' and 'Huck's Tune' make the project worthwhile. Every time I hear Bob sing "All the merry little elves can go hang themselves" it makes me chuckle.
This is poetry set to music. His voice is so close you can almost feel his breath on you as he whispers in your ear. Perfect for nighttime listening. I was never a fan and this is the first Cohen album I've tried. Some people say he does music to slit your wrists to, but this is joyful music. I'm loving it. There are touches of humour too: "Took my diamond to the pawn shop but that don't make it junk". He's in his 70's and still touring.
7. Sufjan Stevens - "Illinoise" (2005)
This is the second in a planned series of fifty albums referencing US States, on the "Asthmatic Kitty" label. I was tempted to explore Sufjan after hearing the beautiful version of 'Ring them Bells' on 'I'm Not There'. Some tracks have long and curious names (that annoyingly don't appear in full on iTunes or iPod display) - such as "To The Workers of the Rock River Valley Region, I Have an Idea Concerning Your Predicament, and It Involves Tube Socks, a Paper Airplane, and Twenty-Two Able-Bodied Men." and "A Conjunction of Drones Simulating the Way in Which Sufjan Stevens Has an Existential Crisis in the Great Godfrey Maze" . The songs are dream-like, delicate and thoughtful/provoking.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Everything including the kitten sink
The boys are into everything and have to be periodically banished to their nursery for some quiet time. They've just discovered they can get onto the dining chairs which lead to the table where its a short hop onto the kitchen bench. They seem fascinated by the sink. Despite regular dousing from my water pistol they keep going back. I found Basil dragging an overripe strawberry across the carpet earlier. It was one I had rejected for my muesli this morning and had dropped into the waste disposal sink.
One of my favourite aspects of summer, apart from the warmth and long evenings, is the abundance of cheap and delicious berry fruit. I'm having blueberries with everything at the moment.
A package arrived today containing a CD collection of chilled out contemporary music from Denmark. It was a present from my hairdresser! Very strange. But it sounds quite nice.
I finalised my gift shopping today and there's quite a decent sized pile under the tree. I tallied up I had bought & wrapped presents for 26 people (if you count small children). John on the other hand has 4 people to shop for. We joke that he has no friends, but its not true, its that I am better at shopping!
Ring them bells for Christmas (The alternate version from Bootleg Series 8 Disc 3)...a beautiful song.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Damage control = a water pistol
Now I have 2 plastic water pistols strategically placed so they can be easily grabbed. The aversion therapy seems to be working well so far. On being hit the offending kitten immediately backs away from whatever he was interfering with and stops to lick himself dry by which time he's forgotten what he was doing and runs off to find drier activities. Great invention.
Kim, who photographs houses amongst other things told us she had to make a house look saleable that had been ransacked, the doors etc removed. There were even holes cut in the floorboards so the (presume) tenants could sit down without bothering with frivolities like furniture, their legs hanging below the boards. That'd be a great house to lose a kitten in!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Floored Salmon, Christmas in Fallujah
On Saturday we caught up with Jaz & Mark back from their Vanuatu honeymoon. Then our card playing neighbours Kim & Shayne came over for dinner, which had to be rescued from the floor after the oven tray complete with beautifully cooked salmon slipped from my hands. They were both very brave, saying "It's OK, we don't mind eating off the floor!" But we didn't have to let them sink to that. There was enough un-floored salmon to go round with the prawns, potatoes & salad. The rest was fed to cats. We tried a variation of Canasta called Samba which was quite different, involving three packs and a lot more melding along with a bit of meddling with the rules.
Despite a hangover, John had to deal with a server crisis at the data centre this morning to rebuild a machine so I took the opportunity to do some Xmas shopping on my own.
Tonight we went to Blitza to scoff pizza then into town to watch Billy Joel. I'm not all that keen on his music (to me he's ranked along with Rod Stewart) but both John & Paul are fans from way back. I blame it on those years they lived in an out-post of the USA called Nassau where culture was in short supply. However, I enjoyed the concert, especially the Young-esque song "Christmas in Fallujah" - that would be at home on Neils "Living With War" album. He also did a very bluesy "New York State of Mind" and crackedsome half decent jokes while sitting at his piano which rotated a few times to give both sides of the venue a look at his well-worn face. I was surprised the audience was less grey and cardiganed than I was expecting.
This is the song I liked performed by someone I've never heard of...
Below - Basil and Micky up to mischief....
We'll be putting the Christmas tree up tomorrow but not sure how long it will last with these two.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Skydiving kitten
On the feline front, Basil and Micky are settling nicely into their names and racing around the house like crazed derby horses whenever we let them out of the 'nursery'. After the vaccination on 15th we can start to introduce them to the outside world.
We were all sitting in the upstairs TV room last night when Basil had a lucky escape. He took a flying leap onto a box of tissues on the wooden top rail, skidded on the lightweight box whence both he and the tissue box plunged two floors to the dining room. As I looked over the edge I saw him bounce cheekily onto a chair and run off. A close inspection showed him to be shaken but not broken. He was quickly off again wreaking more havoc elsewhere.
My draft tax return arrived and a quick glance through looks like I may be owed a couple of thousand in tax refunds. Hooray for loss making property investments.
I've been listening to and really liking Leonard Cohen's CD "Ten New Songs". Its not new - I think its a couple of years old but the songs are great. His voice is just right to listen to at the sleepy end of the day. This is one of the tracks.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Basil and Mikky take a bow
They are growing fast - three feeds of super kitten food a day is having a noticeable effect. Noodle is tolerating them from a distance. They love playing in the bath and running and sliding across the wooden kitchen floor. Great fun to watch.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
James Bond and a brazil nut dream
Saturday was a lazy day, a brunch in St Kevin's arcade and a wander around Borders followed by a relaxing afternoon on the garden hammock. I was restrained and only bought one book and a CD. John got an armful of books with his birthday vouchers. In the evening we went to see Quantum of Solace in Takapuna and managed a quick nosh and a stroll on the beach before the film. I wasn't impressed compared to the last 007. Way too many explosions and fast editing. I had trouble keeping up with the plot. I guess they do that to make people watch it again and again, but it just annoys me and makes me determined never to watch it again!
I had a strange dream in the night. I was looking in a mirror and saw a brazil nut sticking out of my ear so I pulled it out followed by several bright orange/brown leaves and some small branches. I looked into the sink and there was an autumnal pile of foresty leaves and nuts. Then I woke up. What can it mean? I had eaten a few brazil nuts earlier but they've never appeared in my dreams before.
We are making progress in the cat integration programme. Today we let the little uns have the run of the house while Noodle kept an eye on them from the sofa without wailing or howling. Things are looking up. But I had to extract Basil from sitting in a up-to-now bushy and healthy pot plant. He got a smack and a growl from me and the plant looks rather battered and bruised. He did this three times and then I moved the plant.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wedding photos
There is now a website of photos of Jasmine and Mark's wedding. The photographer was Kim assisted by Shayne: they are our friendly neighbours, occasional canasta playing dinner guests and parents of the kitten-loving boys Dylan and Jesse. The newlyweds are sunning themselves in Vanuatu.
I went to the gym this morning but otherwise have spent most of the day working, setting up a database for a survey of pharmacists.
Am going to have to start gift shopping this weekend or it will be too late to post things to all those far flung places....
The kitties are being called Basil & Gerry on a trial basis.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Naming rights
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Kitty heaven
I spotted an ad in the paper for a David Byrne gig here in Feb so just booked some tix online. I have a few of his albums including this recent one with Brian Eno. I also entered a draw to win luxury box seats to see Neil Young at the Big Day Out. I'm not sure I can bear to spend a whole day in a crowded hot arena with 20,000 bouncing yoofs just to see Neil headline the show. Must be getting old :-)
I'd forgotten the pleasure of lying on the floor while wee furry paws wander around patting, licking and generally playing with me.
They still have no definite names as nothing has stuck. Some being mulled over: Basil & Pesto, Bob & Dylan, Marx & Lenin, Siesta and Napper, Bobby & Zimmy, Joey & Senor, Mocha & Chino.
Definitely ruled out: Bradford & Bingley, Marks & Spencer, Smith & Caughey, Kirkcaldie & Stains (the latter two are NZ department stores like Debenhams).
Bob sings about a different type of cat:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Eight new legs = pandemonium
Sunday, after the coffee had kicked in and we'd tidied up the house we visited the SPCA in Mangere to view the cats needing adoption. After a few rounds of the residents we chose a pair of 10 week old males.
One is all black, fluffy with a few long white hairs in his ears and under his chin. The other is pale ginger, stripy with gorgeous eyes.
Name ideas so far: Basil and Pesto or Bob and Dylan – any other suggestions welcome...
News travels fast here: our neighbours' 2 boys were on the doorstep when I got home from work, demanding “I wanna see the Kitties!!” in Kiwi accents. Kim had to pry them away but the younger boy came back about 9pm in his PJs to say goodnight to them.
Noodle hasn't exactly embraced her new house mates. Despite being the youngest of three cats she now has to deal with role reversal being the oldest. Our first attempt at introducing them she wailed and hissed so we are taking it gradually.
Mr & Mrs
Saying of the day: Kim the photographer "Oh no! You're in dappled light" :-) I would have thought thunder and rain would be worse but apparently dappled light is a wedding photographers worst enemy. Dappled or not, Kim did an amazing job. The photos are great.
The proud father of the bride is upstairs putting together a website with some of the photos. Watch this space.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
and the bride was radiant ...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Married 3 times before supper
Jaz moved in with us on Weds for her last few days & nights of singledom. She seems very calm and focussed and her phone keeps beeping to remind her of preparations that need actioning. Most of these require ribbons, bows and glue of some sort.
This news item about a Japanese man who released thousands of worms on a train so he could see "women shake their legs" has to be one of the most bizarre stories of the week, along with the kangaroos found smuggled across the Polish/Ukraine border.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Facial pheromones fix flighty felines
Last night we had a working party to prepare wedding related items. There was a lot of hot glueing, printing, guillotining and stuffing chocolates into organza bags. A fair few chocolates were also taste tested along the way. Despite a ribbon emergency all went well. Today I located the required packets. I am amazed that there are so many kinds of ribbon in the world - its all news to me.
Typical of Auckland, yesterday was cold, windy & wet and today is hot, sunny and humid. But I'm not complaining. The temperatures in Queensland where Dee & Bruce are living have been getting up in the 40's - too hot to go outside much at all - and Europe seems to be plunged into snow and ice already.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Clean windows, strange dreams
Saturday, to the garden centre and bought some flowering plants and shrubs and we did a major overhaul of the pots and planters on the decks at front and back. I'm not a plant expert but the gardenia smells amazing and the frangipani looks beautiful. It is so much tidier and welcoming now - ready for a round of summer barbecues and social behaviour.
I left John hosing off the decks and went to Jaz's bridal party. It was a very civilized version of a hen party with lots of lovely ladies in their summer frocks, bubbly and punch and snacks and silly games, but none of the rude stuff like throwing up in the street or tying the bride-to-be to lamposts. I took some pics but came home with someone elses camera that looked like mine. (I only had 2 glasses of punch). Anyway, I'd better not post their photos here! One game involved a prize for whoever had the oddest item in their handbag; someone had a capo and pick. All I could muster was some eyedrops and rice paper. Next time I go to a bridal party I'll make sure I have a jar of pickled herrings in my bag.
Today the weather looked variable but we risked it and drove north to Wenderholm for a walk around the estuary and beach. It was beautiful up there. Hardly anyone else around and lots of birdlife and fish jumping.
Deirdrie called and we had a nice catch up. She & Bruce moved 'across the ditch' earlier this year and are in a small mining town called Cloncurry, about an hour from Mt.Isa (Queensland). They are planning to do a couple of years there so we may go to visit next year.
As the afternoon grew dark and overcast I tried to read Obama but fell asleep on the sofa. Last night was interrupted with strange dreams, but not as strange as those I had almost every night in Vietnam. I don't know if it was the diet, the heat or something else but the dreams there were vivid and memorable. I spent each morning regaling others with my nightime adventures.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wedding approaching
Call me soppy but I'll probably dig out some more 'romantic Bob' in the next few days.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sore toes for a good cause
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Snake eating etiquette
Several people have asked me what the stir fried snake was like, so here is my easy 6 step guide to snake eating. Bear in mind the dish was offered as a special treat and 3 of our group agreed to try it whence the snake was specially purchased and charged for in addition to our pre-arranged all-inclusive (bar snake) Mekong homestay.
1. Try and avoid eating snake whenever possible
2. Failing step 1, if politeness or curiosity get the better of you, it is better to have it made into soup rather than stir fry. Even the locals told us afterwards that stir fry is not a good way to eat snake.
3. Make sure there is something to eat apart from the slithering kind. Plain rice and clear cabbage soup will suddenly appear exceedingly attractive propositions.
4. Peel the skin off the snake chunk. Even after cooking the skin will be tough like leather and stripy with snake patterning.
5. Nibble the bones you have revealed, suck them if you like. Don't worry there is no real meat to get stuck between your teeth.
6. Smile politely. Say 'delicious' thank you, and pass the plate to the left while tucking into that rice and soup. Later you can sneak into the packet of coconut covered peanuts you bought at the service station.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Multipersonality Infidel
Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed.
Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams.
In another lifetime she must have owned the world, or been faithfully wed
To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams.
I and I
In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives.
I and I
One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives.
Think I'll go out and go for a walk,
Not much happenin' here, nothin' ever does.
Besides, if she wakes up now, she'll just want me to talk
I got nothin' to say, 'specially about whatever was.
Bob, U2 and James Joyce
I tripped across this today... altho Bob is now 67, I guess the list just gets longer.
In Celebration Of Dylan's 50th Birthday
Fifty reasons why I love Bob Dylan
By Bono
- He is not dead
- He looks like fifty
- He sings like a swarm of bees
- He is interested in the names God gave to the animals
- He plays the guitar like James Joyce
- He wore capuchins before anyone else did
- He wrote Tangled Up In Blue
- He wrote Senor Senor
- He is no slave driver
- He can't be made upset
- He knows that irony doesn't have to be the enemy of the soul
- Blonde On Blonde leads to Acid approximately one year
- He writes two songs: one for her and one for Him
- He mixes up God with women
- He recently rhymed rolling hope to bowl of soup
- Allen Ginsburg loves him
- Walt Whitman would have loved him too
- He wrote The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
- He will be in your town soon
- He is very nice to me
- His best songs were not written in the sixties
- He doesn't risk his head for us cowards, man!
- He is not pseudo-religious
- He didn't die at the cross at the age of thirty-three
- T-Bone Burnett thinks he's good
- He is Jewish
- He is a great story teller
- He sings better than ever
- He wears clever shoes
- Rock 'n Roll is thought of to be intelligent
- He didn't die foolish
- He always smiles as if he just wrote a great song (most of the time)
- He wrote Every Grain Of Sand
- He turned around the Beatles
- Country Rock is just a little better than Jazz Rock
- Roy Orbison was a friend of his
- He is funny
- He thinks Liam Clancy the best ballad singer ever
- He didn't reproach our version of All Along The Watchtower
- He has quite a lot more than three chords and the truth
- He knows that some words can be dangerous
- Hoods look great on him
- He wrote Visions Of Joanna
- He wrote Idiot Wind
- He wrote Brownsville Girl together with Sam Shepard
- His children turned up good and they think the same of him
- He is not Elvis
- He is not Jimi Hendrix
- He is not Jim Morrison
- He is not dead
Spring cleaning
We have been amazed at the neighbourhood reaction to the loss of Zappa. Following the mass delivery of the letter on Friday, we've had 10-12 phone calls from pet owners with messages of sympathy, a card, a rose, and several visits from neighbours who we didn't know at all, including a family with young children who gave us their drawings of cats and flowers.
We've also been given information that we believe identifies the dog, although of course we have no proof. At least the whole neighbourhood is alert to the fact that there is a dangerous dog being let out on its own.
Noodle is hunkering down 95% of the time in the top bathroom where she feels safe. She ventures down for food and goes out a little during the night but she is obviously feeling the loss of her big brother, like we are. Silly things keep reminding us of Zappa's presence, or lack of it.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sadness turns to action
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A terribly sad day
Zappa was not here when we got back from holiday early hours of Monday morning - and didn't show up all day Monday. On Tuesday morning John searched all around the nearby bush and then found his body on the beach.
Piecing together what friends and neighbours heard, it seems a stray dog chased him towards the beach on Sunday night and he drowned. He had bite wounds on his legs. We were on our way home at the time it happened.
He had such a wonderful personality and was a big part of the family. We have buried him next to BotBot. We are all devastated.
Our lovely lost boy.
Monday, November 10, 2008
and part 2
Vietnam views part 1
This reclining buddha rests a few hundred steps below the 'large' buddha that looks over the town of Nha Trang.
A local demonstrates how to get in and out of a small entrance to the Cu Chi tunnels used by the Vietcong to hide from the US soldiers.
Nha Trang beach after the rain.
Mekong delta blues
Plenty of stories to tell but I just want to sleep and wonder around the house zombie-like, revelling in the joys of a large cup of earl grey tea. Vietnamese tea mostly came in thimble-sized cups or was served with sweetened condensed milk.
The final few days were spent exploring Saigon (aka Ho Chi Minh City). A friend had warned me it wasn't as interesting as Hanoi but I really enjoyed it. It wasn't as crazily disorganized as the capital but had plenty to see and do and an air of sophistication that escapes Hanoi.
The War Remnants museum (previously known as the War Crimes museum) had a gruesome display including bottled remains of infants disfigured and deformed due to agent orange exposure. I was shocked that some were born as recently as 1996.
We also had a boat trip up the Mekong which involved a night in a traditional riverside home. The evening passed relaxing in hammocks on the porch, chewing on stir fried snake, slatherin on mozzie repellent. Then came time to sleep: imagine seven people in one room on agonizingly small stiff camp beds, boats thundering past, muddy water sloshing under the gappy floorboards along with a cacophony of outboard motors, snoring, farting, coughing and nigh time mumblings - oh and a baby crying, a dog barking and roosters crowing all night. Everyone got up about 5am and wandered around looking shell-shocked. The next night back in a 3 star Saigon hotel we didn't complain about the impossible to stand up in shower - it was heaven!
More blog catch ups when my sleep-meter is back to normal.
P.S. I am elated about Obama and slightly depressed about John Key.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Chillin in Hoi An
We gave the tour guide the afternoon off so we could swim and lie by the pool ordering food and drinks to our hearts content. I rediscovered the joys of a Green Dragon (Syrop de Menthe with 7Up) while listening to Bob's TTRH shows about travelling round the world on my 'pod. After several days on mini buses and walking through hot temples and museums this is a much needed break.
Our drive yesterday took us over a mountain range close to the 17th parallel and the Ho Chi Minh Trail. We stopped for lunch at China beach where John gave a 10,000 dong note (about $1.2o NZ) to a beggar and soon found he had twenty ladies following him yelling "how 'bout me, how 'bout me, me have12 babies."
No way to upload photos - but taking plenty - will post some when home.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hanging in Hanoi
We've been here since Friday morning - with a day and night up at Halong Bay over the weekend. The junk we stayed on was quite luxurious. Amazing cave networks in the hills. Just 7 of us in our group - all Kiwis. One lady from Birkdale! We kayaked from the boat to a lovely beach, swam in perfectly warm water then back to the boat for a ten course meal. Every kind of seafood known to man served as a separate course. Seafood soup, prawns, crab, clams, whole fish and on it went - and that was just for lunch!
Ho Chi Minh is away having his 5 year renovation so we went to his museum instead of the mausoluem. Best sign so far - "Visitors are asked not to wear their shorts inside the pagoda".
Traffic is incredible; there is no safe way to cross the road here. You just have to look ahead and hope all the mopeds and bikes will flow around you, which they seem to do. It helps being larger westerners as we are clearer obstacles than some of the small locals.
We go to see a water puppet show this p.m. then catch a flight to Hue for a couple of days then onto Hoi An for 3 days. John is enjoying his birthday tour. He's only had one 5am phone call.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Going, Going, Gone to Saigon
I cast my advance vote for the NZ election this morning. The poll station had just opened and they seemed a bit unsure of the process, but the deed is done even though we both know that John's & my vote effectively cancel each other out.
The suitcase has been dusted off and packing has commenced. I may manage a blog post or two from Vietnam....
Monday, October 20, 2008
The politics of sin may require sunglasses ...
Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes.
The glamour and the bright lights and the politics of sin..."
- Bob Dylan "Dead Man, Dead Man"
Not one of my favourite songs but the words go well with these annotated election hoardings I spotted on the weekend.
This early song is jam-packed full of funny images.
He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note.
He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple,
Tellin' me he loves all kinds-a people.
(He's eatin' bagels
He's eatin' pizza
He's eatin' chitlins
He's eatin' bullshit!)"
- 'I Shall Be Free', from the Freewheelin' album
There's also a line in this about making love to Elizabeth Taylor - just bear in mind it was written in 1962!
Instant birthday party... just add water
All the guests gathered at a neighbours and at 7.30 came en masse to ours. I made sure he opened the door at which point about 20 people sprung upon him waving balloons and popping poppers and pressing gifts on him. It was great to see his face. The shock tactic must have worked because he even enjoyed the silly party games we'd organised - Pass the Parcel, Squeak Piggy Squeak and so on. Great fun was had by all - into the early hours of Sunday.
Some of the younger revellers (the birthday boy refuses to appear)...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Waxed, pampered and Berkoff'd
Well, my first short story has been submitted to the class of 15 students and tutor. Next week it will be discussed in the class. It will be interesting to get objective feedback; so far it has only been read by a handful of close friends.
This morning I went to the gym and then onto the spa to use up my voucher on some serious pre-holiday pampering that consisted of shaping, tinting, waxing and polishing -sounds like a car groom, but for my eyebrows, legs and toes!
Tonight after scoffing a juicy steak, baked potato and salad we went to the theatre to see Steven Berkoff.
You need a good feed to see Berkoff , I found - it can be quite draining.
He is in Auckland for 2 days performing his self-penned "Tell Tale Heart" and "Dog". His plays are full of energy, aggression (and quite a bit of swearing) and black humour - great stuff. I've seen 'East', 'Greek', 'West', 'Decadence', 'Kvetch', and his version of 'Metamorphosis'. Most were by the Auckland Theatre Company. All good, and tonight was the first time seeing the man himself.
The first character was a Dickensian madman who stepped us through in minute macabre detail how he had killed and dismembered his neighbour - an old man with one vulture eye. Black and hilarious.
The second was an East-end skinhead with a slobbery vicious dog - the audience was asked to pat the imaginary beast - which morphed in and out of the skinhead character so smoothly that you could not tell them apart except the dog spoke with its tongue flicking in and out. Half the audience looked stunned as some of the acts depicted with the dog were quite gross.
Brilliant!Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Bird on the horizon, sittin' on a fence,
He's singin' his song for me at his own expense.
And I'm just like that bird, oh, oh,
Singin' just for you.
I hope that you can hear,
Hear me singin' through these tears."
'You're A Big Girl Now'
1975, from the "New York Sessions" not the official Blood On The Tracks version...
"I got a bird that whistles,
I got a bird that sings.
But I ain' a-got Corrina,
Life don't mean a thing. "
"Corrina, Corrina" 1963 The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Monday, October 13, 2008
Second time around...
Most importantly I managed to say "chihuahua" - thereby saving face by meeting the Monkey's challenge. Now I feel all-powerful. Bring on some more weird challenges one and all!
Oh - and the discussion about "thinking causes people to eat more" was inconclusive and mostly off-topic. I think someone proposed that 'thinking about what to eat next' was the worst type of brain activity in this respect.
Mmmm - I think I'll have another banana...
Noodle has been sneezing the last few days so we took her for a long overdue check up at the local vet. She sang and yowled in the car and then played all nice & cute for the vet. She didn't even complain when the thermometer went up her bum or the large tablet went down her throat. She's been declared fit & healthy and 'verging on obese'. Wait til they see Zappa!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Debt, Hell, Pizza and other nasties
Margaret Atwood is one of my favourite writers. If you haven't read Oryx and Crake I strongly recommend it. Here she writes in the Wall Street Journal about debt in society and in literature. An interesting view. Also, an interview with Margaret in the Times.
It really is a dog-eat-dog world. Dogs seem to be highlighted for me this past week. First there was the incident last weekend with the 2 rogue canines running amok and scaring the daylights out of our two cats, then there was Friday's 'chihuahua incident'. Now I hear that Mari's little one Filou has been savaged by a large dog and is in doggy-hospital with damaged paws... poor wee thing. If only all big dog owners were responsible, like my big Sis Val and her four Groenendahls... (also known as Belgian Shepherds). To say she is crazy about them would be an under statement. This one is called Anoushka.
And wee Filou in 'recovery' atire ....
Friday, October 10, 2008
Radio (non) appearance
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Steaming with creativity
Today I went to the gym where particularly friendly staff enquired "what sort of work out I'd like today". I said "medium-tough" and managed to push heavier weights on most machines except the tummy cruncher which had me stumped after 5 and had to have the weight lowered from the 70kg I'd managed last week. Maybe I've been extra slothful with my tummy lately!
After a swim I sat in the steam room for quite a time. I must have built up my tolerance to the heat and I was drifting off in the haze and hiss when I had an interesting idea for a short story to submit for my writing class. It revolves around a woman sitting in a steam room talking to a man who is not there - well he is and he isn't - he's a ghost. Anyway, it was such a vivid idea I rushed to get showered, hair dried and went straight to the front desk to ask for a sheet of paper and then to the cafe for a latte and scribbled the ideas down. As soon as I came home I wrote the story - 4 pages in 3 hours and now feel quite pleased with myself. It's a start anyway. I shall look forward to my next steam room visit.
We are under a 'severe storm warning' threat for the afternoon/evening and it has just started to belt down outside. Both cats lying around looking lazy but peeved.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How Dylan chose his career...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dogs and floating disco balls
I also caught up with some paperwork and my 6 monthly GST return, and helped John envelope all his invoices.
Woke this morning to barking and in the interest of our cats took a look outside. Two large aggressive dogs - not sure of the breed but could have been pit bull - were galloping around in the front and then tore off in to the bush. Zappa didn't show up until a few hours later and Noodle hid herself somewhere under the house until about 4pm - when she slunk in, belly on the ground, head twitching left & right, well spooked. I hate it when people don't keep their dogs under control. I think these 2 were with a guy in a truck who was delivering a load of soil to a house up the road.
Today we got stuck in and fixed a few things around the house, including a leak on the spa pool pump, and then J started painting the side of the house we hadn't got to last year. While at the spa pool shop I couldn't resist a floating disco light ball - to add a touch of glamour to our dark pool. It is battery driven, floats and sends various patterns of coloured light into the water. Tacky but fun.
Listened to Tell Tale Signs about 10 times over from the free NPR stream - I plugged my laptop audio output to the HiFi system and sound quality is great. It sounds very bluesy so John's not complaining about the Bob overload (so far).
Pics from recent walks - Cheltenham beach (yesterday) and Cornwall Park (last week)